The Test of Time

As a person who enjoys pouring words onto paper I have often attempted to comprehend time, once simply calling it that "which clocks measure". This fundamental quantity has taken the blame for many of our ailments, but in the same breath it has been credited with healing and hard but necessary lessons.  Art, much like us, also answers to time. Unlike us however, art is perhaps the only thing made by humans that can be branded as "timeless". 

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Faces of evil

Confession time. Between a good hero and a good villain, I would always prefer to learn and know more about the latter. It has always been like that for me ever since Jaws, The Howling series, Friday the 13th, Nightmare on Elm Street (yes, the horror element is strong here) and every other monster/horror film that crossed my path. Back then it was simple. We had our heroes and a very bad monster that is doing everything within its powers to kill them.

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